
    Join IPP

    Membership classification    Membership obligations and rights    Members benefits    Application for IPP members

    Membership obligations and rights

    All rights anf obligations of members are recorded in the Memorandum and Articles of the Institute which, according to statutes and general practice, mainly comprise the following:

    1. All members shall be loyal to the Institute, so their utmost to attain achievements for the Institute and uphold high standard of professional ethics so as to conform with the various aims laid down by the Institute.

    2. Fellows, Senior Members and Full Members have the right to elect or to be elected in the Annual General Meeting as members of Executive Committee

    3. All members are obliged to support any resolutions passed by the Executive Committee in its general meetings.

    4. Members with correspondence address registered with the Secretariat will receive notices issued by the Secretariat on various gatherings and activities. They are obliged to attend punctually and pay for any fees icurred for such gatherings and activities.

    5. All members shall pay in time their membership fee so as to retain their membership.

    6. Members, while their membership remains valid, have the right to use the designation in respect of the class of their membership so as to distinguish their identity as our members(Fellow: FIPP, Senior Member: SIPP, Full Member: MIPP, Associate Member: AIPP; Junior Member: JIPP).

    7. All members, without the prior consent of the Executive Committee, are not allowed to speak or undertake anything in the name of the Institute to affect the Tnstitute's image and status.